Persian limes are the large, yellowish-green variety most commonly available in grocery stores. Why not grow them at home? A single tree can produce fresh, juicy limes all year long.
The Persian lime tree usually tops out at a maximum of 10 feet with an equal spread. The leaves are oval, dark green and glossy, and can linger on the tree as long as three years. The branches sometimes display a “weeping” effect and can trail toward the ground, especially when heavily laden with fruit. Like most citrus, the Persian lime enjoys plenty of direct sun and well-drained soils. Regular watering is necessary until the tree is firmly established and during dry spells.
Persian limes produce early and long. In Florida, the small white flowers are most profuse in March and April, although they can and do appear all year. The fruit is bright green, oval in shape, usually seedless and plentiful. While June and July are the heaviest months, limes ripen throughout the year. A Persian lime tree in perfect condition can produce as much as 10 pounds of fruit in its first full season.
This ornamental and low-maintenance tree is an asset to any Florida gardener or amateur chef.