Ponytail Palm

Common Names Ponytail Palm, Elephant Foot Palm, Bottle Palm
Scientific Name Beaucarnea recurvata
Hardy Zones 9-12
Height 5-10 ft
Growth Extremely slow
Water Requirements Deep, infrequent waterin needed
Cold Tolerance Down to 20 degreen when established
Light Requirements Full Sun
Ponytail Palm in Downtown Orlando
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Whether planted outdoors or kept inside as a tropical accent this unique palm is sure to start conversations.

The ponytail palm grows from a short, gray and rounded trunk base that resembles an onion bulb. The trunk gradually narrows and divides into distinct branches. Each limb culminates in an abundance of narrow bright green leaves that can be five feet long and up to an inch wide. The flowing ribbon-like leaves recall the tail of a horse and give this distinctive plant its name.

Ponytail palm grows in diverse well-drained soils. It prefers to be kept uniformly moist but is especially susceptible to wet feet. Avoid overwatering. This evergreen does well in full sun, partial sun or partial shade and can successfully be kept indoors as long as it receives sufficient light. When transferring indoor plants to a new outdoor location, move them gradually to give the ponytail time to acclimate to more intense light and heat.

The ponytail palm produces spectacular creamy flowers on long stalks that extend above the leaf crowns. Flowers can linger for several weeks. Use the ponytail palm in raised beds or planter boxes, as accents to outdoor masonry or potted flanking an entrance or archway.