
Uses Shrub, Accent, Specimen Plant, small tree
Scientific Name Hibiscus rosa-sinesis
Cold Hardiness Not very, freezes at 30 Degrees
Light Needs Full Sun to Partial Shade
Flower Color Red, yellow, pink most common
Blooms Continuous
Water Needs Drought Tolerant
Leaves Dark Green
E/D Evergreen
Life – A/P length Perennial
Mature Height up to 6ft, highly trainable
Growth Rate Medium
Standard Hibiscus Tree
Hibiscus Standard – Enlarge

This evergreen plant produces a multitude of large, showy trumpet-shaped flowers with either single or double petals. Blossoms range in color from creamy white to yellow to apricot, coral, fuchsia and red. The hibiscus adds visual interest to any landscape theme or outdoor décor. Plant several in monochrome or choose complimentary shades of the same variety for a polished, designer look.One of the most popular blooming shrubs in Miami, the fast-growing hibiscus is a favorite with hummingbirds and butterflies. It thrives even in average soils and requires very little maintenance. While new plants need regular watering, once established the hibiscus will do fine with a good soaking once a week during the dry season.

Grow the hibiscus as a shrub or train it on a single stalk to resemble a tree. Take care when pruning because flowers appear on new growth. Fortunately, in southern Florida the hibiscus tends to bloom all year long. It’s best to prune heavily only in the early spring, although rubbing branches, dead wood or spent blossoms can be removed at any time.

With striking flowers in jewel-box colors, there is a hibiscus to suit any garden. The difficulty will be in choosing just one!